Wealth Management

What sets us apart

A highly specialized and independent financial boutique.

The client chooses the Swiss bank that will serve as custodian, and we take care of managing his assets. The client is guaranteed a continuous and constant contact with his consultant and asset manager.

Accurate definition
of the risk profile

We offer clients comprehensive financial plans that consider their goals, risk tolerance and time horizons. Clients with particular investment needs have the possibility to highly customize their investment portfolio.

Immediate liquidity
of the portfolio

Swan uses only highly liquid financial instruments that can be liquidated without particular time constraints or penalties. Such a hallmark approach is applied both to direct investments in bonds and equity and to the selection of third-party products in the best interests of the clients.

Volatility management

The investment policy is oriented towards seeking positive returns with containment of downside risk.

Cost contaiment and transparency

Swan receives an annual management fee and contractually renounces any form of indirect remuneration.

Contact us for more information or a personalized Consultation!

Experience and Professionalism at the Service of Your Financial Growth.

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